So many local people rely on us for food, support and a chance to improve their futures, and it is your donations that help us to continue with our life-changing work.
Check out the different ways you can donate to us below.
Thank you in advance for your generosity!
Donate Directly To Us
You can donate directly to The Bridge via a direct bank transfer.
Account Name: The Bridge Homelessness to Hope
Sort code: 30-18-69
Account No: 01582737
Please, email your completed Giftaid Form to:
Alternatively, you can post your completed form to: The Bridge, 43 Melton Street Leicester, LE1 3NB.

Include us in your will
By making a Will you can ensure that your wishes, and the people and causes you care about, are provided for. After providing for your family and friends, remembering us in your will means that we will be able to carry on our work. We've partnered with to provide all our supporters with the opportunity to make their own fully comprehensive Will for free.​