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5 Ways To Get Sponsors

Kate Burton

So you’ve set up a fundraiser for The Bridge! Thank you and well done!

We wanted to share this quick guide on getting sponsors and support, so let’s get started.

Get online!

Share the link people will need to donate to your fundraiser on your social media, write a bit about why you want to do it, what it means to you, and what the money will go towards. Ask people to share, so that more people can learn about what you’re doing. Do this as soon as possible to help word spread, and don’t be afraid to post about it more than once!

Tell everyone!

You’re raising money for charity, it’s time to brag about it! Tell your family, your friends, your chess club, your personal trainer, and especially everyone in your office. Nothing makes you stand out for that promotion more than charitable deeds!

Are you a part of group chats? Then it’s time to spam them with the link to your fundraiser! That way they’ll always be able to check back on it later.

Tell your story!

Let people know how you came to start fundraising, what inspired you, and how can you inspire them? Let them know when it is, what you’ll be doing, and how you’re preparing for it. Are you training to run a marathon? Or organising an office wide bake-off?

Share your progress!

Tell people from the start what target you’ve set yourself in terms of funds, and then keep them updated. Are you halfway to your target? Let people know! Are you one week away from your deadline? Tell people about it! Sharing your progress will remind people about the hard work you're doing, and the cause you’re supporting.

Inform Others!

If you really need to, you can always break out the stats and figures for the ultimate guilt trip. Did you know:

  • The number of visits The Bridge received has increased by 51% in the past year?

  • Rough sleeping has risen by 10% in 2024.

  • 1 in every 82 people are homeless right now. 

But don’t worry, because:

  • The Bridge supported 73 people into accommodation last year.

  • We also supported 215 people with access to healthcare and medical services.

  • 263 people saw personal improvements through the wellbeing services offered.

And finally, even if people can’t afford to sponsor you, that’s ok. They can still help by sharing your fundraiser by word of mouth, over group chats, or sharing your posts online.



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