While charities and homeless organisations work hard to keep rough sleepers safe, fed, and warm during the winter period, there are days over the Christmas holidays when some services will be limited. Thankfully there are so many in Leicester that work to help those experiencing homelessness that we’ve been able to put together a timetable for over Christmas, outlining what’s available and when.
Services open over the Christmas holidays include: No. 5, The Y Advice and Support Centre, The Bridge - Homelessness to Hope, Rachel's Table, Help the Homeless, Midland Llangar Seva Society (MLSS), The Brotherhood Legion, Denise’s Homeless Mission, Cafe Central, and Dear Albert.
This timetable looks at the days from Monday the 23rd of December, to Wednesday the 1st of January, when hours will start to become limited. Those open the earliest, from 8am, are No.5, The Y, and Dear Albert. Those open the latest, to 6pm, are MLSS.
We also wanted to make note of Christmas Day, Boxing Day, and New Years Day, which are the quietest days. On Christmas Day only three services are open, and that is between the times of 11:30am and 4pm. On Boxing Day only one service is open, Rachel's table, and that is between the hours of 3:30 pm - 4pm, for a takeaway hot drink and meal. On New Year's Day only MLSS is open between the hours of 12 - 12:30pm, offering freshly cooked hot meals, hot drinks, and snacks.
Below is the full time table, created by Leicester’s Homelessness Charter. It contains extra information such as the locations of each service, and useful phone numbers to have.

Find a more detailed PDF here: https://leicesterhomelessnesscharter.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/Homelessness-Services-Christmas-2024.pdf